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 What is Metaphysical poetry?

In this article we will talk about what is Metaphysical Poetry? Who were the Metaphysical Poets? Common features of Metaphysical poetry. And important characteristics of Metaphysical Poetry.


Metaphysical Poetry

Metaphysical is derived from the Greek, ‘meta’ means beyond or after and ‘Physical’ means the physical nature of this world. Metaphysical poetry is full of conceits, exaggeration, display of learning and unbelievable similes, quibbling about the meanings of word and metaphors.


The term ‘Metaphysical’ was coined by Dr. Samuel Johnson in his essay on Abraham Cowley in his Lives of the Poets. During his analysis of the works of the poets, Dr. Johnson noticed a distinct style of writings. Those were full of wit and intellect and poets were talking about the issues that were beyond the imagination. He found this form of poetry totally different from Elizabethan poetry.


Metaphysical poetry is the poetry which deals with subject of relation between ‘soul and supreme soul’, ‘life and death’, ‘man and God’ and ‘earth and heaven’. The form of Metaphysical poetry was initiated by Jhon Donne and his followers. They were talking about metaphysics. This trend of poetry writing was completely different from Elizabethan poetry. T. S. Eliot also appreciated this form of poetry.  


v Samuel Johnson coined Metaphysical poetry in Neo-Classical Age.

v T. S. Eliot gave strong logics to prove that John Donne and his follower’s poetry is different from other poetry.

v T. S. Eliot said that Metaphysical poets are great poets.


Metaphysical Poets

The Metaphysical poets were men of learning, and the whole endeavour was to show their learning. The Metaphysical poets were really honest and original thinker. They attempted to analyse their feelings, emotion and experiences and were obsessed by the consciousness of morality.

John Donne (1537-1631) was the leader of the metaphysical school of poets. He wrote poetry of a very high order. Donne is the poet of wit and he purposefully broke away from the Elizabethan tradition of smooth and sweetness of verse. Thus, he introduced a harsh and staccato method. His poetry can be divided into three parts: 1. Amorous 2. Metaphysical 3. Satirical. Metaphysical and Satirical work which form a major portion of his work were written in later years. Some of his famous works are; The Progress of the Soul, Lover’s Infiniteness, Epithalamium, The Sun Rising, and Death be not Proud.


Robert Herrick (1591-1674) is also included in the metaphysical school of Donne. He is quite famous for his love poems. He wrote amorous as well as religious verse. His famous poems are; Upon Julia’s Clothes, Delight in Disorder, The Coming of Good Luck etc.


Thomas Carew (1598-1639) was strongly influenced by John Donne. He was the finest lyric writer. Thomas Carew’s verse is neither harsh nor obscure. His Persuasion of Love is the finest piece of rhythmic modulation and harmony.


George Herbert (1622-1695) name is equally important in the series of metaphysical poet. He was a righteous kind of person. In his religious verse there is simplicity as well as natural depth. The Temple is considered as his most famous poem. Apart from this his other famous poems are VirtueThe PulleyThe Affliction etc.


Other poets who are also included in the group of Metaphysical Poets are Richard Crashaw (1613-1649), his best work is The Flaming Heart. Abraham Cowley (1618-1667), Henry Vaughan (1622-1649), Edmund Waller (1606-1687), and Andrew Marvel (1621-1672).


Features Of Metaphysical Poetry

v Metaphysical is complex and difficult to understand, it is for the elite and intellectuals.

v Subject matter of Metaphysical poetry is; Life and death, soul and supreme soul, earth and heaven and relation between man and God. Says that the life we are living is temporary.

v Metaphysical poetry is full of wit and conceit.

v Fusion and analysis of feelings and emotion and grammatic in tone.

v Sometimes the beginning of metaphysical poetry is completely dramatic.


Characteristic of Metaphysical Poetry

Learning Display: The metaphysical poets were men of learning. The aim of them was to show their learning. In metaphysical poetry we came across esoteric reference, The (Metaphysical) poetry is very difficult to understand and can be understood by very a smaller number of people especially intellects.


Metaphysical wit and conceit: All the Metaphysical poets have an incorrigible aptitude for witty comparisons. The tendency of metaphysical poets to yoke different image forcibly together. Dr. Johnson defined wit of the metaphysical as a kind of disorders. 

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